Water – a living element

Water – a living element

It splashes, bubbles, flows and stands, it glistens, roars, roars and sprays, it splashes, runs and drips - the water that we experience outside, in deep mountain lakes, wild and leisurely rivers or at waterfalls or - as here - in an artistically created watercourse...

Going into the depths of words

Going into the depths of words

It is of great value, especially in the field of spirituality, when we explore and grasp a concept in its depth, as otherwise we are often talking at cross purposes. Someone talks about meditation, but means something different to ten other people, each of whom also...

From carrot to dish

From carrot to dish

The carrot grows from the feathery light tiny carrot seed. It is a root vegetable that works its way completely into the soil and receives the light of the sun through its lush, finely branched green. It may surprise you how bright orange this vegetable is, even...

Kundalini or lumbago?

Kundalini or lumbago?

Sivananda is a world-famous spiritual teacher and doctor from India. He lived from 1887 to 1963. He was known for his courage, his generosity, his strict discipline and his humor, as the following text testifies. His students, in particular Vishnudevananda, Andre van...

Nutrition and relationship

Nutrition and relationship

Eating is something very beautiful, especially when in company, on a quiet evening at home or in a restaurant with a welcoming atmosphere. And eating is much more than just providing us with food that nourishes our bodies and keeps us alive. When we see the gracefully...

Where your gentle wing dwells

Where your gentle wing dwells

Connection through music and poetry Friedrich Schiller wrote his "Ode to Joy" in 1785 for Christian Gottfried Körner, who later published a complete edition of Schiller's works. The "Ode to Joy" was written out of friendship, it was set to music by Beethoven in 1824...

The divine within us?

"It is what is and what is not at the same time. It is the totality of all potentiality, you could say. And that is something that is so within us, so deep within us, so deep we are sometimes not within ourselves. In other words, the divine is closer to us than we are...

Let your soul dangle

Let your soul dangle

  Does my soul want to relax? Or is that what she wants? Resilience!Just relaxing is quite normal when I've had busy, stressful times. But the exciting question is whether more relaxation comes from dangling trees or from a relaxing yet somewhat demanding...

Light and love

Light and love

Can we send light and love, just like that?   Light and love - a well-known greeting in emails, letters and social media. Can I really send light and love to another person, do they arrive? Be that as it may, it is worth looking into the phenomenon of light as...