
The divine within us?

by | Jan 2, 2024 | Articles

“It is what is and what is not at the same time. It is the totality of all potentiality, you could say. And that is something that is so within us, so deep within us, so deep we are sometimes not within ourselves. In other words, the divine is closer to us than we are to ourselves. And that is something that, when you dive deep and really shed everything layer by layer that you think you are here as a human being, then it suddenly awakens, then it comes to light.”


These quoted sentences are an excerpt from an interview entitled “The divine within us awakens” with Robin Kaiser. On his homepage, he describes himself as a free spirit, visionary, life artist and starlight translator.

I would like to use the above quote as an exercise. Robin Kaiser uses these sentences to describe the divine as he sees it.

I encourage you to read these sentences in order and let them sink in for a few minutes.

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