It is not difficult to distinguish a pear tree from an apple tree, a wooden table from a glass table, a beginner at the piano from a virtuoso. In the area of spirituality, with everything that is understood by it, the task of differentiation seems much more difficult.

Why is that?

What actually makes an outstanding pianist an artist who fills concert halls? As a rule, his artistry is preceded by years and decades of practicing, learning and deepening until mastery is achieved. The same applies to the master craftsman, who, as the saying goes, did not fall from the sky. In the esoteric realm, our time reflects to us that it is apparently effortless to be enlightened, to heal spiritually, to dwell in the here and now in absolute divine perfection. Those who struggle for knowledge, ask themselves questions, struggle with their shortcomings, want to grow in character and take an interest in the needs of their time and their fellow human beings almost seem to suffer from a lack of intelligence.

And again, fundamental questions arise: What is spirituality? How does it manifest itself in the person and in the work of a person? How does it radiate to others? Is man divine and does he naturally carry spirituality within him? Or does he need to work on his spiritual development, does he need to learn?

Here are some reflections and exercises on the topic of discernment, which you are welcome to comment on and add to.

Water – a living element

Water – a living element

It splashes, bubbles, flows and stands, it glistens, roars, roars and sprays, it splashes, runs and drips - the water that we experience outside, in deep mountain lakes, wild and leisurely rivers or at waterfalls or - as here - in an artistically created watercourse...

Going into the depths of words

Going into the depths of words

It is of great value, especially in the field of spirituality, when we explore and grasp a concept in its depth, as otherwise we are often talking at cross purposes. Someone talks about meditation, but means something different to ten other people, each of whom also...

Kundalini or lumbago?

Kundalini or lumbago?

Sivananda is a world-famous spiritual teacher and doctor from India. He lived from 1887 to 1963. He was known for his courage, his generosity, his strict discipline and his humor, as the following text testifies. His students, in particular Vishnudevananda, Andre van...